IGC Publications: |

212 pages
17 x 24 x 1.4 cm
0.7 kg
USD 25.00
Since 1985, the Intergovernmental Consultations on Migration, Asylum and Refugees (IGC) has been working to improve cooperation between its Participating States and Organisations on migration, asylum and refugee issues.
To commemorate thirty years of this work, the IGC commissioned a publication that explores the organisation’s history, operating methods and impact. Entitled In a Constructive, Informal and Pragmatic Spirit, it gives the reader a thorough understanding of the circumstances surrounding the establishment of the IGC process, the manner in which it has evolved over more than three decades, the way in which it operates today, and the impact that it has had on the migration, asylum and refugee policies of its Participating States.
The report mounts a powerful argument for the role of inter-governmental cooperation in improving migration, integration and protection outcomes, a topic of particular relevance as States work towards the adoption of the global compacts on refugees and for safe, orderly and regular migration.
Throughout these three decades, IGC has been a place for innovation and exchange of information and ideas on how to manage migration, asylum and refugee systems. The report demonstrates the accomplishments of this process to date, as well as the future role it seeks to play.
Content of the Report
Drawing on extensive archival research and interviews with dozens of relevant actors, author Patrick Wall has prepared a carefully researched report on IGC containing:
- An Introduction that places IGC in the wider constellation of Regional Consultative Processes on Migration;
- An examination of the History and Evolution of IGC from the first ad hoc meetings in 1985 to the mature and sophisticated structure of today;
- A chapter on IGC’s Operating Principles, Composition, Structure and Activities detailing its current organisation;
- A chapter on IGC’s Impact, its influence in creating conditions for de facto harmonization and substantive improvements to asylum, refugee and migration systems of its participating States; and
- A Conclusion exploring the future of IGC.
Asylum/Refugees |

509 pages
21 x 29.7 x 2 cm
1.5 kg
USD $25.00
Asylum Procedures: Report on Policies and Practices in IGC Participating States (2015)
For the last three years, IGC Participating States have sought to adapt and improve their legal and procedural frameworks for asylum determination, while enhancing the quality, efficiency and integrity of asylum procedures. IGC States have also developed innovative approaches to managing increasing pressures on their status determination and reception systems, and renewed efforts to address abuses of the asylum system.
With information sourced directly from governments, the report provides an authoritative description of the procedure for receiving and processing asylum applications in the 16 States which take part in the IGC process, and contributes uniquely to the existing literature on these topics.
The Report includes:
- An Introduction summarising the main developments in refugee protection and asylum systems at the national, regional and global level since 2012, with a focus on Syria and Eritrea, vulnerable caseloads and resettlement;
- 16 standardised Country Chapters on asylum policy and asylum determination practices as well as information on pre-entry measures, decision-making, reception, return and integration;
- Statistical data on applications and decisions in each country report;
- Annexes on comparative statistical data, and relevant extracts of international law instruments and UNHCR ExCom conclusions.

548 pages
21 x 29.7 x 2.5 cm
Asylum Procedures: Report on Policies and Practices in IGC Participating States (2012)
The 2012 Report on Asylum Procedures in IGC Participating States comes at a time when asylum flows into states have shifted and the process of harmonization at the European level is continuing apace against the backdrop of the economic crisis. Since the last report in 2009, some states have undergone a complete overhaul of their asylum procedures, and many have introduced changes to improve quality, integrity and efficiency of procedures and practices, and to tackle abuses.
With information sourced directly from governments, the report provides an authoritative account of asylum procedures as they are practiced in IGC States today.
The Report includes:
- 17 standardized country (Australia, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom and United States of America) reports on asylum policy and asylum determination practices as well as information on pre-entry measures, decision-making, reception, return and integration;
- Statistical data on applications and decisions in each country report;
- Annexes on comparative statistical data and extracts of regional and international law and EXCOM conclusions relevant to asylum procedures.
As questions of achieving more efficient and fair asylum procedures continue to preoccupy experts both inside and outside governments, the 2012 Asylum Procedures report serves as a useful resource for better understanding current State policy and practice.

496 pages
21 x 29.7 x 4.5 cm
1.58 kg
Asylum Procedures: Report on Policies and Practices in IGC Participating States (2009)
In the last decade, the legal and procedural framework for asylum determination has been the subject of important reform and development in IGC States. While the number of asylum claims has fluctuated, Participating States have continued to pursue a common goal of enhancing the efficiency and integrity of asylum procedures. Against the backdrop of the establishment of a common asylum system in the European Union and greater efforts at practical cooperation and information exchange across the continents, IGC States have taken similar approaches to attaining their goal.
The 2009 Asylum Procedures report contains 17 standardised country reports (Australia, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom and United States of America) that aim to facilitate a quick comparison of policies and practices while also providing a comprehensive picture of asylum determination, from entry to appeal. Complementary information on pre-entry measures, decision-making, reception, return and integration is also presented. The report is supplemented by statistical data on applications, top countries of origin and decisions, and by extracts of national, regional and international laws relevant to asylum procedures.
With information sourced directly from governments, the report provides an authoritative account of asylum procedures as they are practised in IGC States today.
* Government Officials from Participating States are invited to contact the Secretariat directly to place an order. |
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